Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Dr. Beautiful's latest publish

Dr. Beautiful was featured on the front page of the Body & Soul section in our local Herald News last week. I'm so proud of him! I think the reporter used his name 6 or 7 times!


Anonymous said...

I just love your hubby! He's a great doctor and has helped me understand my Owen so much better. I cried when I read this article because it describes what life is like with Owen. There is hope, with therapy Owen has gotten so much better at controlling his emotions when he is overwhelmed, and yes, he is just like me! Thanks for sharing your hubby's knowledge with us, and thanks to him for getting the word out about Sensory Integration Disorders!

Anonymous said...

I once gave David a huge guilt trip when he was four and refused to go to the parade down the street because he hated the sounds of the sirens. I gave him a time out up in his room for "ruining mommy's day". Bad mommy... I now know alot more about this sensory integration disorder! The bus ride was a huge sensory overload for David, and then we figured out head phones work great for the bus ride. Loved O.T.! Worked great for David.

Anonymous said...

I'm impressed. I just heard about this disorder from a few women in my MOPS group last year. The one mom had just diagnosed her 8 year old little girl and felt so relieved to find an answer to years of struggles. How great that your husband is aware of this and is sharing his knowledge with other parents. You should be proud!