Friday, February 23, 2007

Junk News

Is anyone else astounded by the amount of junk news there is these days. It fills the airwaves on the radio, TV, Internet...I mean who cares where Anna Nicole Smith is buried and who cares how crazy her family is and everyone she surrounded herself with...what I care about even less is how many times Ms. Brit has checked into and out of rehab...all I have to say is those poor, poor kids...and I wonder if she isn't suffering from some PPD but I haven't heard anyone ask that question and I'm wondering why...Then there is the American Idol obsession and how mean Simon is to the short guy and how drugged up Paula is and it makes me crazy how in love these people are with themselves! The last stupid news story of the week is "Oscar Buzz" does anyone really care? The media makes it sound like we are all sitting on pins and needles waiting to hear who won...most of us haven't even seen the movies nominated have we? Oh, and then there is the "Hollywood" political if we care which liberal democrat Hollywood throws their finicky support behind...It's just such a disconnect between what we are spoon fed through the media and what we are really interested in...or maybe I should say what I am really interested in...Have I hit a nerve with anyone or am I in left field? You be the judge!


Anonymous said...

I have found myself thinking the same thing A LOT lately! What we Americans choose to place importance on is so trivial. I admit, I used to be a celebrity news junkie...I knew WAY too much useless information, thanks to 'People' magazine. Glad I stopped wasting my money on it. Unfortunately, it still invades my brain everytime I turn on the 'news' or read it online. I do not CARE who wins the Oscars for the very reason that most of the movies are not anything I, as a Christian, will watch. I don't CARE who is wearing what by which designer. I don't CARE where Anna Nicole is going to be buried. They make it sound like it will help her find sad. I don't CARE , I don't CARE, I don't CARE. There...I'm done now. I guess you did strike a nerve. :)

Carol said...

I read your blog yesterday, then decided I needed to find out about these news stories, because for this very reason, I hate watching the news. So, I watched "The Comcast Fan" to catch up. Unfortunately, it's the values of our society that determine the importance of this crappy news. Crappy values = crappy news. I agree with Becky.. it sells, it makes the networks money. POLITICS...aaggghhh.

Jen said...

What drives me crazy is when I actually click on the story about Brit or Anna Nicole! I really don't care but when I sit down at the puter at naptime my brain checks out. . .

And my 3 yr old has been walking around saying "I'm the baby daddy!" thanks to my husband who had been insisting that he is indeed Anna Nicole's baby daddy.

Jen said...

Oh yeah. . .I do love me some American Idol. Though I really thought Dr Sanjay Ghupta would be gone this week. . .and that awful Antonininanana whatever girl. . .

Anonymous said...

No, I'm the baby daddy!

i am not said...

agreed - totally. So lets brainstorm on how to change things from our end... i know that it seems like we can do very little, but even the little bit we can do may perhaps make a difference (and if everyone said that MY actions won't make a difference, then nothing would ever change). So, for example, I think that everyone should buy only DOVE products in order to support their Real Women campagn, which is amazing... what else can WE do?

Perhaps our actions won't necessarily change society or the media or the business world, but thinking about what we can do and following through - being intentional in our lives - is a good thing for us. Maybe it is time to turn off the tv (i know - I don't want to, either) or to stop buying magazines - not necessarily to affect change in the world, but to affect change in ourselves.

one hot momma said...

just wanted to say I agree with all of you...but I do think that no one has touched the PPD thing with Ms. Brittney because they don't want to see Tom Cruise on a rampage again, that "Crappy" news the media actually saw as crappy and stopped reporting on it! I must admit I'm a bit addicted! Hope this isn't a marker of where my values are right now...maybe I should reconsider!

Mommy Brain said...

Actually I did see it and it was hilarious!