Friday, October 20, 2006

I wanna cry!

Actually,I am crying...have you ever felt like all you do is play nurse maid to sick people all day it will never get you just want to go away and never come back? Doug is sick again, this time with the flu, the yucky kind. I took the kids out for lunch today because they have Thurs & Fri off for teacher convention. On the way home, Wesley puked in his car seat. Poor guy, looked so scared, I don't think he's ever really puked before. So, before I could even take him out of the car seat, I had to clean him up, yuk! Jed is crying in the back seat the whole time cause his shoes might get puke on them...whatever! Christian & Emily are holding a garbage bag open for me to launch used paper towels into...the whole time holding their noses and squirming. I finally get Wes out of the car seat, strip him down naked in the garage and get him upstairs, dress him and put him down for a nap. Now I have to go back to the car and try and get that f*@#ing car seat apart to clean it...ya right. I really just wanted to throw it away! I still might cause I don't know if I will ever get it back together! Seriously, other people must have this problem, why don't they make getting the cover off a car seat easier? So here I sit, feeling really really depressed cause I'm stuck at home yet another day with more sickness... Sometimes I hate being the mommy, the wife, the nurse. I now understand the commercial "Calgon, take me away!"


Anonymous said...

Oh boy oh boy! I remember the first & only time Cade threw up in his carseat. I had just picked up dinner! I wasn't too hungry after that. :)

I always say the ONLY part about parenting I dislike is the sickness. No one ever forwarned me. :)

I hope everyone is well....SOON! Hang in there & don't catch what they've got! ;)

Anonymous said...

I'm with you on this one. Fall/Winter is here/coming, and with that brings SICKNESS ~ and LOTS of it. I can only imagine with 4 kids, it probably seems like someone is always sick. Either that, or it just takes a while to get through it's cycle, and once that cycle is done, another one starts...

So sorry you're having such a rough time ~ hope it gets better!

Anonymous said...

Ugggggh! I hope, hope, hope things are better for you today. I was exposed to enough puke during Annaliese's illness to last me a lifetime...I can't imagine having more than one person sick with it at a time. Praying for you today! :)

Anonymous said...

so sorry to hear about the flu. this time of year seems like there is always someone with something and the stretches of healthiness don't last long... hope things turn around soon for you guys:)

Carol said...

ok, I was feeling bad that I wasn't able to go out to lunch with you on Friday and now I'm glad that I didn't! poor WES!!! Oh, honey...
Where have I been? How did you get 2 posts up?