Wednesday, August 02, 2006

My Most Precious Gift

My husband Doug is the most precious gift God has ever given me. I know that many women would say their children are their most precious gifts, and God has given me four of those, however, they are only mine for such a short time. Doug will be with me until death do us part. There is no greater security than that. Doug is the most amazing man I have ever met. He is strong in character. His character and integrity will not waiver...I've never seen it. He will stand for the weak, speak for the child, and fight for those who can not. He will not be moved by popular opinion but will stand on biblical principles and seek God's will. One of his most valient traits is his quest to seek and understand more about God's human race. He longs to understand so that he can serve, and he serves others so humbly. Doug is faithful to God's call on his life to be a physician, healer, counselor and guide. He is a loving father who provides for his children materially, emotionally and spiritually. He is a husband that only other women could dream of. He has created for me the most wonderful marriage relationship and I am so grateful to him. He is always there for me, always seeking to learn more about me, always looking for ways to surprise me, always nurturing me, consistantly encouraging me to be a better woman, mother,wife and friend...he sees that those roles in my life are seperate and understands that they are also intricately connected, and I love him for that. His heart is BIG and his emotions are real. He cares, nurtures, provides for, protects, educates, allows, communicates, listens, plays, gives, opens, seeks, laughs and cries for me and my family. I could not and never will ask for more.
I love you Doug! I will support you in your every quest. You are my slayer of dragons.


Anonymous said...

What a sweet tribute to your hubby! You've inspired me to do the same (coming soon to a blog near you...). I am always telling Jared how much I appreciate him, but I don't always share with others what an amazing man he really is. God has blessed us both, Christine! Thanks for giving us an idea of what living with Dr. Beautiful is really like! :)

one hot momma said...

you truly do have a wonderful man! I have been witness to his love for you and been there when he has cared for your children. God has blessed you my friend and thank you for sharing that with us. On the friend and doc beautiful side, I would like all to know that the beautiful is not only meant for the outward appearance... this man has a beautiful heart and my children and I are better because he has been a part of our lives.

Carol said...

I've told you before that I am envious of the relationship that you and Doug have. It is very unique and very special. He is a rare find and I'm so glad that you are able to express that. He feels the same about you.

Anonymous said...

Can't you jest tell him this in bed? Matter affact I think that he would like it if you told him that every night in bed!!!!!!

Carol said...

I think you are an awesome wife. I want to write this about my husband, too. Because he is my slayer of dragons. Maybe I'll get him to read more of my blog. Doug, this gets a new pair of shoes and a purse to match for a little appreciation for these wonderful words, whatdaya say?

Mommy Brain said...

Ok, so I've been told that I'm some sort of freak for putting this tribute to my man on my blog...well, I don't care! Don't we all need to hear good stuff about ourselves once in awhile instead of being beat down by everybody? Compliments are hard to come by in this day and age and I want to support Doug however I can. So there!