Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Skinny Cow

I was at one time a skinny cow...however, I didn't know it. I am no longer a skinny cow...however, I'm acutly aware of it. I hate that! Four children have left my body in less than perfect condition and I've also aquired a taste for pregnant eating habits. Now that I am no longer pregnant, this is not working for me! I thought that after I had #4 I would be so motivated to get back into skinny cow body because he was my last child...that didn't work. So, I was reading Jana's 102 things and was struck by her comment that she loves to diet because she loves the discipline. What a comment! Why can't I also love the discipline? Well, I'm 4 hours into my new discipline and I hate it! I long to be the skinny cow again, but I also long for things like Dove Bars and Oreo's and Hot Wings. And here is the rub, not like a BBQ rub...which I also love, I don't like the way I look and so I either need to do something to change it or shut up. I hate that too!


i am not said...

Don't get me wrong - I loooove the dove bars, the ice cream and well, anything that you can get away with while being pregnant. I try so hard to keep up the healthy eating when I'm pregnant, but after a few months into it 9 months seems like an eternity to deny what I can have and 40lbs doesn't seem too hard to lose (whatever - it IS fricken hard to lose:) I am finding, though, that I feel better about myself when I'm exercising regularly and my body exercises better when I'm eating healthier. Yes, I am a nutcase and I'm always willing to admit it;)

Oh and I've also found that Skinny Cows are a very yummy alternative to dove bars and they satisfy my chocolate & my ice cream and my sugar craving every night...

Loved your post, btw!

Anonymous said...

Awwww...what a nice husband. Christine, he just scored some major points! :)
I have been wondering what my motivation will be like after this baby is born. I've looked at so many pictures of myself lately, and HATE what I see now. Even after my first 2 kids, I dropped the weight really fast. Then a thyroid condition cropped up, and my eating habits didn't change the way they should have to combat the weight gain. I'm really hoping I can get off my butt to work off these extra pounds (not even sure how much I've gained this time, but I definitely have a LOT to lose from before!) :)

Anonymous said...

Hey! Thanks for putting me on your list of blogs you visit...Love the name! :)
I've been trying to figure out a way to link to other sites on my page, but I can only do Xanga sites, unless I put the name directly in my entries. I'm not technologically advanced enough to figure it out yet...I'm working on it, though! :)

Carol said...

When I was on my way to the pool here at the resort, I have to go through the work out room. So, I went through, trying to suck it in and stick it out at the appropriate places, but the door squeaks upon closing behind me, and I SWEAR it sounded just like a "MOO". How embarrassing!

Carol said...

Just a funny observation: I just glanced at your counter, and it's at 69! Woo-hoo!

Jen said...

I am an ox. But hopefully a pregnant ox soon so I have ZERO motivation to lose. Oh well. I like I'll go have a Hot Pocket for breakfast. Them is yummy!

Anonymous said...

I too used to be a skinny cow. Now I'm just a cow. ;)

one hot momma said...

ok, I happen to know that you're becoming that skinny cow again! I do think you're beautiful just the way you are! I am so proud of you for taking care of yourself! Keep going, you're doing great! How are those abs today???

Mommy Brain said...

Ya, today I woke up and thought...'self, you don't need to do no stinkin' pilates today...it's your lucky day cause you're gettin' the day off.' Thanks for the encouragement, I've actually been pretty good for 4 WHOLE days now! Woo Hoo!

one hot momma said...

Um Hello!!! I believe you told me you were working on a new post today??? What happened, did you sneak away for lunch or something?